My Organic Herbs
I received my diploma from the Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy in 1995, drawing on my knowledge of oriental medicine, herb lore, and western science to select the herbs for my Yoni Steam treatments. I blend scientific and holistic, Eastern and Western therapeutic approaches to provide a unique and effective experience for my clients. Explore just some of the herbs I use below.

Hibiscus Herb
Hibiscus is a cooling herb that is soothing to the nerves and has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from candida and can help to ease period pains.

Rose Herb
Rose is a beautifully feminine plant that is also cooling and moisturising. Its astringent properties support the toning and tightening of the vagina, while also balancing hormones and creating overall wellbeing.

Yarrow Herb
Yarrow is an adaptogenic herb that works to normalise and regain balance in the body. Its harmonising energy is both warming and cooling, and it is particularly useful in the treatment of UTIs and fibroids. It can also help to stop heavy bleeding.

Calendula flowers
Calendula flowers are cool and soothing, making them ideal for healing irritated and broken skin. They are also known for their ability to help with delayed menstruation, cramps, and normalising the menstrual process. This makes them a great herb to use postpartum.

Shatavari Herb
Shatavari root is Ayurveda’s go-to herb for balancing women’s hormones. It is soothing, nourishing, and rejuvenating, making it a powerful reproductive tonic that supports fertility and eases the transition through menopause.

Lavender Herb
Lavender is a soothing, cooling, and calming herb that has antispasmodic and analgesic properties. It can help to ease menstrual pain and is also antiseptic and antibacterial, making it ideal for those who suffer from vaginosis.