Thank you to R, one of my wonderful clients, a woman who had sadly miscarried, tried to conceive for several months since, without success.
I am very happy to announce she now has a beautiful little girl, her full experience below.
A wonderful case study from R.
So as you suggested I did the 5 days of the steam after my last period.
I bought myself a sort of toilet seat thing on a stand (typically used for camping when squatting won’t do ) and a crock pot as we didn’t have one.
I made it into a ceremony as you said… having a cacao a couple of hours before, meditating and then steaming.. around 10pm as you suggested before bed. I chose to steam in my bathroom… (new carpets and crock pot not fitting perfectly underneath the toilet seat!!!). We have a big window in our bathroom and it just so happened that the 5 nights I did it over we had a really bright, half/ three quarter full moon so I opened the window wide to be able to see it. I set the room up with incense, candles and had my angel cards to do at the beginning of the steam.
The experience itself was nothing short of divine.
I could have stayed a lot longer than 30 minutes. It felt like I was really pampering myself. I chose the theme of my steams to be letting go of anything I didn’t need. It felt really like a medicine experience. The steam would begin and I would gently soften into it… I would then get what can only be described as like a wave of something going through me, leaving me feeling like I had run 10 marathons and had a really dry mouth. These waves continued … and my rational mind believes this to be when one of the herbs was picked up by the steam and taken into my body. It literally sent me to another world and I felt so relaxed and chilled out afterwards.
I am glad I did it just before bed (as you said).
My angel cards continued to read things like… trust, divine timing, surrender and release. I then took the steam water and gave it back to Mother Earth whilst singing (quietly) to the moon. The whole experience was really personal and inwardly focused. I had absolutely NO inclination to have an alcoholic drink (despite ​my partner offering most nights) and ate well. I was really lucky that I was able to do this during my time off which I spent journaling, yoga-ing and generally being quiet.
You know my reservations for this experience …. however I can honestly say I really don’t understand why this is not standard practice for self care with women and why it is not taught to us in school growing up! It felt so intuitive, so connected to myself and my cycle and just resonated with me so much more than what I ever thought it would.
In particular, your wisdom, guidance and support beforehand was amazing and I am so grateful to you for that. I have always known this but maybe needed reminding that you are such a powerful healer and woman and I am so grateful that I know you.
The herbs themselves were powerful and felt strong but subtle at the same time. I want to continue to embed this practice into my monthly cycle as it is so worth it and fairly easy to do. I am planning to do my next steam 5 days before my next period as you suggested ( I will just do a pregnancy test to rule that out).
All I can say is thank you so so so much. This is the beginning of my steam journey! Â
I will update you on the second steam and will sing nothing but high praises for you and the work you are doing, thank you Tuesday.
Important –
I don’t recommend steaming after ovulation if a client is trying to conceive. Â R had had an ugly experience at the hospital when she miscarried and was sure she wanted to conceive as soon as possible. As you see above she did check that she wasn’t already pregnant prior to steaming, before her next expected bleed.
Explore Yoni Steaming at Home – with a free guide.